Friday, June 17, 2011

Physical Address:  75 rue Charlot, 75003 Paris, France
Operating Since:  17 September 2010

Catherine McMahon (left)
and Diane Pernet 
What are you all about?
Showcasing NZ fashion in Europe.
I only stock New Zealand labels.
Currently about 80% of the stock is made in NZ.  I am working towards having all the stock made in NZ, and hope to do so by the next season here.

What NZ-made labels do you sell?
World, Zambesi, Karen Walker, Trelise Cooper and Kate Sylvester
- though they don't all make everything in NZ.

Can we buy them online?  Not through me currently but I am looking at an option for this, as I now have some customers who are not Paris-based.

What price range are your clothes in?
From 100 to 600 euros.

Why do you think NZ clothing labels outsource their manufacturing overseas?  Cost, I think, is the main reason.

Anything to add?
The French generally love New Zealanders & I have found that they will pay a little more for a garment that is made in NZ; particularly if there are only a few of each piece.  On this basis, I have no more than five of any piece in the shop.

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